Our commitments

Responsibility is at the heart of our mission. Across our locations, in every type of operation, we aim to promote a fairer, healthier world for all, and protect and reinvigorate the environment we operate in.

Our ESG strategy is underpinned by the UN Sustainability Goals. This forms the blueprint for the actions we take and will guide our key areas of priority. Against these Goals, we have assigned commitments and set clear targets to achieve in each of these areas.

The Priorities

Responsibility is at the heart of our mission. Across our locations, in every type of operation, we aim to promote a fairer world for all, and protect and reinvigorate the environment we operate in.

Recognising the importance of creating the most meaningful impact possible, we delved into a process of identifying the goals our business could best assist in achieving. This allowed us to closely examine our operations and identify where we could make the most significant impact. Subsequently, we collectively agreed upon four priority goals.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth – promote economic growth and decent work for all
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure – build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialisation, and foster innovation.
  • Climate Action – urge to take action to combat climate change and its impacts
  • Life below water – aim to protect and ensure the sustainable use of oceans